Friday, May 30, 2008

The first 'berries 'n cream' Blanket

I knitted this blanket when my daughter was expecting her daughter. Instead of knitting a bassinette sized blanket, I made something that would fit onto a cot, and be useful as a throw rug later on. The stitch, my favourite 'blackberry' stitch, is a texture I incorporate into many blankets. On this first use of the stitch for a baby blanket, I repeated the 'berry/plant' motif in the lace leaves edging. My daughter and I chose the colours to match a set of Beatrix Potter books and little girl things that she collected for her second child.

This blanket was a special project for me, not just because I was expecting my first grand-daughter, but because Pinklizzy had asked me if I would mind her giving her daughter my name, as her second name. She told me that this was not simply because she wanted to use the name. She wanted to express her love for me (amongst other things). I just cannot describe how honoured I was, by her choice. And how funny it was when she followed the request up by saying something like; "Besides, I can't wait to say "Isabelle Ruth!!" really loudly, when she does something naughty!" This continues to be a source of hilarity to both of us. The odd thing is that when I met Isabelle Ruth for the first time, we looked deeply into one another's eyes ... gazed ... and there was a strong measure of recognition, connection, understanding, shared ... mischief? Often the things we share now are full of mischief.


Kylie said...

Love the stories that we have to share. Amelia shares mischief with her Uncle Shannon. Just the things that she does reminds me so much of him as a kid and I sit back and think "how come I am so lucky to get this in child #1 and it took mum 4 times to get him. It is amazing how genetics works isnt it - we live so far away from them - yet they are so so similar...

Thanks for sharing where the first berries and cream started.

Unknown said...

Awww. Crying now.

Ruth said...

Thank you so much for your comments ... you're welcome, Kylie, I enjoyed writing it! I love reading other people's stories too. So many talented writers, artists, bloggers, it's amazing!

It is amazing that our children share even mannerisms with other family members ... sometimes members they didn't spend time with ... I often see my Dad when I look at my son. My son never knew my Father.